that is to say, I guess I could have had it easier by using irccloud or something similar (paid most likely), but the idea was to have a completely #selfhosted #irc server, where I have total control
that is to say, I guess I could have had it easier by using irccloud or something similar (paid most likely), but the idea was to have a completely #selfhosted #irc server, where I have total control
Are you excited for ircpuzzles???
It starts at 12:00 UTC on 2025-04-01
#IRC #ircpuzzles #puzzle #puzzles #irc #AprilFools #AprilFoolsDay #AprilFool #game #games #LiberaChat @liberachat
so because I don't have anything better to do my current setup looks like this: I am using debian 12 in wsl on windows 11 to connect irssi (#irc client) to my znc bouncer on my Debian VPS that connects to #bitlbee on the same VPS to connect to #discord via purple. All that so I can chat with a friend on discord from the terminal instead of switching to the other window.
And the worst is that it works without a hitch.
The 2025 #ircpuzzles will begin at 12:00 UTC on 2025-04-01
Are you ready?
Thanks to everyone who stopped by my #IRC channel tonight. I'll be back on IRC on Tuesday night.
I'll be on #IRC for another hour. I'm at
I'll be on #IRC for the next couple of hours if you'd like to stop by. The channel is
I dusted off my #irc nickname last night, and I think I should get back into it. I'm going to try getting on IRC more often, there's something fun about it.
My channel is
I'll be on tonight from 7 PM to 8 PM Mountain Time.
The road to mainstream Matrix []
"Matrix is an open protocol for decentralised, secure communications. …"
Kaipaan niitä aikoja, kun yhteyden luominen tärkeisiin oman elämän kontakteihin onnistui kirjautumalla shellille ja kirjoittamalla komentoriville
screen -rD irssi
..tai ainakin muistaakseni se komento meni jotenkin noin
„Es ist zwar unklar, wie die von der EU vorgeschlagenen [sog.] 'Rückführungszentren' aussehen würden, aber wir wissen, dass die bestehenden Migrationsabkommen mit Nicht-EU-Ländern dazu geführt haben, dass Tausende … Gewalt, Missbrauch, Ausbeutung und Tod ausgesetzt sind.
Die Menschen absichtlich aus den Augen und aus dem Sinn zu verbannen, ist keine nachhaltige Lösung für die Migrationsherausforderungen in Europa.”
Marta Welander, International Rescue Committee #IRC
point me to the best IRC server for furries
Premier rassemblement pour dénoncer les stérilisations forcées de femmes autochtones Au moins 12 000 femmes autochtones ont été stérilisées contre leur gré au Canada
Par Marie-Laure Josselin
#Autochtones #femmes #violence #racisme #stérilisations #Québec #Canada #justice #santé #IRC #société #histoire
Centralised platforms are never good for this very reason. Any company that goes for an IPO inevitably ends up worse for the users.
Let’s make #IRC popular again!
I should learn how to use mailing lists and IRC.
Because a.) they have cool people on them, and b.) they are so old that they are essentially immune to the enshittification wafting over the waking world.
My only issue with IRC is that it seems like you have to be constantly connected in order to actually keep track of a conversation? I like COMMODE on SDF because it has a nice room history (as well as a friendly TUI). Any tips are appreciated.