#monday #cats #catsofmastodon #scepticism
I find the same with many fans of what is often called ‘hard science fiction.’
Those with a little knowledge are quite pretentiously committed to it and sneer at literature, film and television that explores a wider canvas of possibility and their audiences. Those with advanced science degrees are often impatient with the implausible logical contortions that authors of recent ‘hard SF’ make just to keep the science speculation to a minimum.
While the concept seems intended to describe science fiction, imaginative stories that extrapolate from established science fact and theory, what it usually means to its proponents is that the fiction has to be limited to what a person with a mid 20th century bachelor’s degree in physics would know.
Setting aside the weirdness of holding physics theory constant while allowing fictional biology, chemistry, math and engineering to advance around 20th century physics, such fiction usually lacks the curiosity and ‘What if?’ elements that drive scientists.
The Necessity of Atheism presents an overview of religious scepticism in the 1930s, and a look at on-going debate and like scepticism even today...
#literature #atheism #scepticism #Deism #Agnosticism #religion https://formuchdeliberation.wordpress.com/2013/10/14/literature-the-necessity-of-atheism-by-percy-bysshe-shelley/
I used to study conspiracy theories because -- before social media -- they were *mostly* harmless. However, conspiracy thinking at scale, one form of *weaponized stupidity*, looks to be what will ultimately kill us all.
Still, this video is fucking funny. It is fun to watch anti-science happening in near real time.
Calling Bullshit: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World by Jevin D. West & Carl T. Bergstrom, 2020
An indispensable handbook to the art of scepticism from two brilliantly contrarian scientists.
We think we know bullshit when we hear it, but do we?
Politicians are unconstrained by facts. Science is conducted by press release. Start-up culture elevates hype to high art. The world is awash in bullshit, and we're drowning in it.
Carl Sagan's guidelines to practice science
Thinking tools -
The Baloney Detection Kit: How to Think Sceptically and Bust Bullshit
#science #philosophyofscience @philosophy @philosophyofmind @philosophie @science@newsmast.community @science@beehaw.org @science@lemmy.ml @science@lemmy.world @science@kbin.social @Scientits #thinking #criticalthinking #philosophy #astronomy #sagan #carlsagan #thinking #thinkingtools #authority #experts #fallacy #scepticism #correlation #stoicism #epistemology #research #researchmethodology
Tuller walks us through their argumentation and concludes: "The whole thing reads like a desperate attempt to portray their intervention as having had some meaningful effect. The CODES data tell a different story."
@david #sceptic #sceptics #scepticism #skeptic #skeptics #skepticism
David Hume (1711-1776) was a rather multi-faceted intellectual, as a non-believer, he wrote without reference to god in his philosophical works, considering the mind to be constituted by nature and history to be contingent with no specific divine theme and not developing towards any ideal conclusion... #DavidHume #scepticism #empiricism #philosophy #historyofphilosophy https://philosophyindefinitely.wordpress.com/2020/09/05/the-radical-scepticism-of-hume/
Practical Atheism - Evolution of Atheism.
#atheism #atheist #definitions #polysemous #language #atheismandatheists #linguistics
New TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@answersinreason/video/7176922280797261061
In The Philosopher
The Aesthetic Dimensions of Modern #Philosophy
a conversation with Andrew Bowie
"Both #Heidegger and I would agree that #epistemology is a real problem in this regard. In its focus on how we know what we know, it just endlessly repeats various attempts to refute #scepticism, or to classify and subsume everything under generalities."
Prior to 1748 (about 9 years earlier), Hume completed ‘A Treatise Concerning Human Nature‘, in both this and his ‘Enquiry…’ his focus is on epistemology which is the focus of this enlightenment period. During this period Berkeley’s ‘Principles of Natural Knowledge‘ was also published and Leibniz’s ‘New Essays On Human Understanding‘... read more at philosophy indefinitely #historyofphilosophy #philosophy #DavidHume #scepticism #enlightenment #knowledge https://philosophyindefinitely.wordpress.com/2020/05/02/david-hume/
@bibliolater I think the answer is subjective, but sociological objectivization might be possible if individual-societal dynamics is assumed and if the questioner remains keenly aware of the tentative nature of answers, relative to the aspect.
I observe that a large groups of people allow their reality to be algorithmically determined for the worse, while other people choose to have none of that. An amelioration is possible if the public space remains independent.#ANT #scepticism #philosophy
Scepticism v credulity
The ability to perceive patterns is a fundamental building block of human intelligence, but we need the scientific method to ensure these patterns are real, rather than illusions. #scepticism
“Our findings suggest that each person’s idea of common sense may be uniquely their own, making the concept less common than one might expect.”
#scepticism https://scitechdaily.com/new-research-demonstrates-that-common-sense-is-not-so-common-after-all/
The original meaning of "sceptic" is something like "investigator." The adjective can mean "inquiring, relfective," from a verb meaning "to reflect, look, view," originally from a word "to observe." Therefore, imho, Pyrrhonist #scepticism is like relentless detective work that never finishes. https://www.etymonline.com/word/skeptic#etymonline_v_23599
Today #scepticism (not necessarily in #philosophy) means something like knee-jerk dogmatic arguments against new information. In that sense it's more like Academic Scepticism than it is like Pyrrhonism.
Pyrrhonism requires staying in the uncomfortable position of remaining perpetually open-minded on every question, and therefore takes humility.
Modern scepticism seems to collapse into categorical positions "against" new thinking. And it often seems proud "not to admit" or "fall for" something.