The Lower Thames Crossing will destroy 8 hectares of ancient woodland

The Lower Thames Crossing will destroy 8 hectares of ancient woodland
Tominey sanctimoniously saying 'we at The Telegraph campaigned to keep schools open throughout the pandemic' shows her crass ignorance of the #covid transmission
They were closed to stop people dying. !!
Silly cow
Daisy Cooper (Liberal) says it is administratively too difficult to enact a wealth tax on tonight's #BBCQuestionTime
Daisy Cooper has a net worth of £5 million
"We have given the assets of this country to very wealthy people and made it voluntary for them to pay tax," Gary Stevenson on #BbcQuestionTime
Tominey on tonight's #BBCQuestionTime says MPs could donate their new pay rise to a disability charity.
Famously, #Corbyn once took his pay rise and divided it equally amongst his staff at his Islington offices
Steven Reed on ##BbcQuestionTime says it will cost £100 billion to renationalise #ThamesWater
Nonsense, you just issue public bonds to the shareholders
Whatley on #BbcQuestionTime refers back to when #Thameswater was publically owned and says that every time the government's budgets are put under pressure, there was difficulty. In so much as shall we spend more money on The NHS or shall we spend more money on the water companies and she said it was under invested
But this is not true.
Thames Water returned a profit every single year for ten years before Thatcher sold it
Lady in #BBCQuestionTime audience says to Steven Reed: "Previous cuts in disability benefits have been linked to over 500 deaths.... You have got to look at who is being most affected ... you are betraying the people who voted for you ... you are taking money from people who don't have anything"
Reed does not even reply to her powerfully framed points but says glibly, 'The benefit system is broken"
Fraser Nelsen on #BBCQuestionTime says 2,000 people every day are signed off sick. He then says these people are given a "welfare cheque" or a "sickness benefit cheque"
Fraser Nelsen either makes things up or has no idea whatsoever as to how UC works
He is a fraud, and it is no wonder The Economist got rid of him
Faiza Shaheen on tonight's #BBCQuestionTime suggests taking 2% off those who earn over £10 million, indicating it will raise £24 billion
It is the only comment from the panel that is applauded by the audience
The first person to criticize her comment was Fiona Bruce.
It is estimated Fiona Bruce has a net worth of £5 million
Are we at war yet?
It's quite fun to watch the Reform party bickering, having now reduced themselves to 4 MPs.
However, I'm sure that the BBC will keep giving priority to these loonies.
They get far more exposure on #BBCQuestionTime than the #GreenParty do, who also have 4 MPs.
We need to get more sane people onto Question Time, to counter the modern disinformation flood.
Nope, #AprilFools has NOT come early.
@thegreenparty will actually, literally be on #BBCQuestionTime curticy of tonight at 10.40pm on channel 1.
Zia Yusuf, chair of #Reform spouting division on #BbcQuestionTime
"We believe the British people should be prioritised over foreign citizens."
"There's no doubt because of the scale [of immigration is the reason why] assimilation has not happened."
Kendall and the Labour Government launch ANOTHER review. This time into disability
This is their 6,566,778 review - lost count / will to live
Last night on #BBCQuestionTime, Matthew Parris said they are stuck in a position of just tinkering around the edge
Even though they have an enormous mandate, they are stultified into inaction, scared to upset something
Useless then
An interesting thing about the over-use of right wing pundits on BBC Question Time is that it's not a BBC production.
So, presumably, the panelists are chosen by the production company.
Privatisation: privatise the water companies and the shit outflows pollute our rivers. Privatise the news and the shit opinions pollute our politics.
Gentleman red jumper on last night's #BbcQuestionTime said the majority of the asylum seekers are actually coming to the UK to claim #asylum not for a better life. He's right. Each time claims are investigated that seems to be true with 85% of all claims been considered to be worthwhile.
All #Frogface can say "that is untrue". He offers no evidence, no statistics, no values, and nothing to support his bigotry.
" The problem with welcoming diversity is you get division," said Nigel #Farage on last night's Question Time.
Disgraceful absolutely disgraceful
Farage's boycott of the BBC is going well then.
Via #MehdiHasan @ 10:50pm EDT on Oct 10, 2024
"The most amoral man to reach the presidency...a thin-skinned #narcissist... cheated on his 1st wife with his 2nd wife, been found liable for #SexualAbuse, lies in every breath"
I went on #BBCQuestionTime in #Philly & the #Trump fans in the audience didn't like this answer from me: