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2503.26 29/31 — Night #Writever #Mars #SpaceOpera

"You still insist the damage is consistent with meteor strikes?" the HighGo supervisor asked.

"I've matched V with the debris field." Kyv, the acting Lunar Territory COO sighed. "I've eyes on; the holes are irregularly sized. Not slugs! You don't believe me?"

"No vid feed."

"HighGo cut out our maintenance staff."

"RTFM. It's a coincidence International Earth Docks got hit in HEO and Earth LR Docks got hit in LO, but your Lunar Orbital didn't?"


"This won't fly. Out."

Kyv rubbed the bridge of his nose. The vid would have shown multiple angles of attack. Attack! He whispered, "Bad enough we're virtual slaves. Now NADS wants us as a scapegoat for some bogie that escaped their cage?"


His transorbital shuddered, and he cringed. A meteor? While long range comms went solid red, ship-to-ship now blinked green. A survivor?

He tapped it. "LT-TO-1 here."

"Look outside." A young woman's voice said, before a collision warning went off.

A shadow that ate night swam in the stars, eclipsing tumbling metal and plastic. Faceted but rounded, it looked spidery as he squinted. A weak radar reflection screamed stealth, military—but nobody had rebuilt the deadly toys since the Orbital Reaping 35 years ago. Economics.

"Identify yourself," he said.

"Is she friend?" asked the voice. A second added, "Or is she foe?"

A third woman said, "Mau, Mi, stop that! Please deorbit to base. You'll find a gift there."

With LRCs down, what choice did he have? When he set down at Southhome Docks, a three story cylindrical package rested beside its tumbled over retrounit. The spider craft set down beside his and turned lunar grey.

"Invite us in."

The two… were they really teenage girls? They caught his eye, more than their spidery haystack automaton or the suited-up industrial robot holding a book plate toward them; suited because a man rode inside. Kyv saw no guns; he hoped. A sandy haired and black haired girl unzipped their suits and squatted provocatively with frog-like agility. He smelled rose.

One waved, saying, "We wanna make friends." The other added, "Are you excited about your gift?"

The book plate lit up. Kyv recognized the woman on vid. "The Princess of Mars and her Five Daughters!"

May Ri, in her alighter outside, watched the growing crowd of men, wiry, lightly muscled, androgynous for that, all moonborne, adapted to 1/6th gravity. No weapons. She sighed. "You saw the vid of the nuking of Hershel?"

Many nodded as Kyv said, "That viral 'hoax propaganda' that got us ordered to shut down the deep space network?"

"I now have four daughters."

He looked down. "To live is to be beaten up, or crapped upon."

"Please don't retransmit our visit."

"How would I explain you being here?"

"Or the 50 MW Thorium SMR I left on your tarmac?"

"A 'gift?'"

"Yeah," Mau said. The twins studied the handsome night-skinned moonborne leader, as he had them. Green eyes, white teeth, and a tight jumpsuit made a nice package. It explained Mi whispering, "Mars needs men."

May Ri quickly said, "With an offer to restore the Lunar Republic, or you can join the Sorority on Mars."

"In exchange for what?" he asked.

"Let us complete a project that would be detectable from your orbital—"

"The meteor shower?"

"Not natural, but you guessed that. We want you to overlook some escavation. The projects will protect the Moon and Mars."

"If we don't agree?"

"You lose your orbital, maybe take damage in the attacks if we're detected. You miss out on our friendship—and get to explain the SMR to your NADS overlord."

While he discussed it with the others, May Ri's comms squawked, "Vandeburg SFB just launched to polar, likely headed your way."

May Ri asked Kyv, "Are you expecting resupply?"

"This decade? Ha!"

"Explain this."

He peered at a vid of a tiny torch rising over cloud cover.

"Want to ask HighGo?"

When Kyv frowned, she said, "I snooped your HighGo convo; they distrust you. They've left you stranded because you can't live on Earth, which means they can't close up shop. I'll trust you to ask."

Nodding, Kyv tapped the address… and got a banner:

NADS Central Command
Your key is invalid.

"But… I've got a COO key!"

May Ri shared a squawk, "Confirmed its leaving Earth orbit," then showed a plot curving toward the lunar south pole. "A ballistic trajectory. They really distrust you."

"You're faking that."

Mau and Mi said, "Maybe she—"

"is. Maybe she—"


"Here's a freebie: Boost your orbital 1 km ASAP…"

"…Okay, we'll agree to your request. What about—"

"—that starship? On it. If we get it right, they'll blame a malfunction."

Mi walked up to Kyv with a real pen and paper. "Real friends sign contracts." #RSMarsNeededWomen 29

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]


I'm a member of a local writers' group and we have meeting once a month (in person and over Zoom for those who can't or don't wish to be there in person).
This previous weekend's meeting's speaker was giving a talk about poetry.
But she introduced me to something I didn't know existed: prose poetry.
My prose often has poetic elements embedded throughout. I also try to put the reader inside the thoughts of the people in my stories using stream of consciousness. I often intentionally leave things out so the reader can fill it in with their own experience.
I had no name for what this was. I just know most people don't like it. They want straight prose with commas and quotation marks and line breaks and sentences that explain things fully.
My wife doesn't even like the way I write and she can read an entire novel in a couple of days (more impressive because she has suffered chronic migraine / daily persistent headache for a decade).

But this speaker talked about "prose poetry" which describes my usual style almost perfectly.
I'm so excited to have a name for it! It may help me find contests and publications that will actually want to include my works. I've gotten so many rejections that I'm getting disheartened. But I'm submitting my stuff to places expected straight prose and that's not what this is.

Anybody have publications that are receptive to "prose poetry"?

Also, I'm going to be buying this book as soon as I get paid again: The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Prose Poetry
I may just put it on credit and buy it now.
Any other suggestions for books about prose poetry?

Rose Metal Press · The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Prose Poetry | Rose Metal PressThe Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Prose Poetry
Replied in thread

#ScribesAndMakers #TTMD @sfwrtr


Many authors incorporate their own experiences and autobiographical elements into their stories. How is it with you? Which of your works contains the most of your personal experiences?

I hate to admit it, and I know a lot of people would disagree, but I don't consider myself a particularly interesting person. It may be one of the reasons I'm so bad at parties. Small talk. Scary. They'll think I'm an airhead. My shyness doesn't help that.

That said, I will admit some of the internal dialogue in my 1st person characters greatly resembles the character of my own. (Oh noes, now people will really give me dirty looks.) I do cook; that's definitely in my stories. I am rewriting a main character in an epic fantasy to be a fine art and event photographer because I can relate. I've done it; I can give details. I've even gotten paid. An evil character in a published book was my experience of my evil† stepfather. It provided a certain verisimilitude.

I'm not going to write about being a programmer, though, or sitting at a desk writing stories, or exercising each morning. Too, blah.

To say whether or not any story is even close to being autobiographical, or having more than the most peripheral personal experiences, is impossible.

I am Walter Middy.

Well, not really, but you get the idea.

† He was evil.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

#BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool

#gender #fiction #mystery #thriller #romance #fantasy #sf #sff #sciencefiction #writer #author #photographer #chef #cooking
#writing #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon #writers

Replied in thread

#ScribesAndMakers #TTMD @sfwrtr


I would like to ask (& apologies if it's been asked) how you enjoyed today?

I thought it was fabulous. I'd do it again. It makes me a lot less afraid of getting interviewed on a podcast one day, as I'm told will be important to advancing my career. The unexpected questions by people who did know something about me really allowed me to pull together a lot of ideas and discuss them. I got to write a lot, which I love, and avoid writing a chapter I really ought to have written and wanted an excuse not to, so that worked, too. ☺️

Okay, I also like the attention! 😇

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

#BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool

#gender #fiction #mystery #thriller #romance #fantasy #sf #sff #sciencefiction #writer #author #photographer #chef #cooking
#writing #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon #writers

Replied in thread

#ScribesAndMakers #TTMD @sfwrtr


What's the most difficult thing you had to write? (Difficult because of subject matter or how to convey what you wanted to tell)

Difficult due to subject matter. My WIP, Reluctant Moon.

English is a difficult language. So many words have so many meanings, that if I state one thing, I will inevitably state other things I don't wish to state, so I will dance around some stuff.

I am probably overthinking the issues. The story takes place in a different society with different standards and radically different gender roles. Western society and the world overlay of patriarchy sets subliminal standards we all subconsciously expect men and women to adhere to, and judge them accordingly. In many ways the story questions our view of reality.

I end up getting blocked and unable to write periodically (tho it's at 71K in length), and I question whether I'm revealing to much about my inner self and what I'd wish would be, and not the shit that is. Of course, in these times, many people feel like heretics just for being themselves.

I was recently heartened to read that Robert A. Heinlein's A Stranger in a Strange Land was written two decades before publication, and he and his wife agreed that the work was way before it's time, and waited. I'm not going to have the hubris imply that I think my work is in that league, but when you find yourself writing something you think could be labeled dangerous, you get to thinking...

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

#BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool

#gender #fiction #mystery #thriller #romance #fantasy #sf #sff #sciencefiction #writer #author #photographer #chef #cooking
#writing #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon #writers