Oh, look! A philosopher discovers *Labyrinth* and suddenly thinks he's cracked the code on truth, logic, and David Bowie's wardrobe.
After 7 minutes of deep #contemplation, we're all still waiting for the goblins to bring us some actual #wisdom instead of regurgitated movie plots.
https://the-nerve-blog.ghost.io/a-brief-meditation-on-formal-systems-and-lying-goblins/ #philosophy #Labyrinth #DavidBowie #popculture #HackerNews #ngated
Galactic is in move
And, this is my drawing based on Pulseman (SMD). You are landed at space labyrinth. Such a big space station. Amongst the space. It is consisting with most different sectors. So here – there are palms to grow. Well, they are not palm at all. And something unknown. But, it is growing straight in space.
#pixelart #digitalart #8bit #16bit #sega #megadrive #msdos #funnyperson #coolperson #arcade #2dgame #retrogame #80s #90svideogames #space #galaxy #labyrinth
sonic boom - a box
evolves - amethyst egg hurls
from my brain's lab'rinth
#VssPoem - #evolve
#vss365 - #sonic
#DailyHaikuPrompt - egg
#BlueSkyRelay - #amethyst / #labyrinth + optional scene (see below)
#WritingCommunity #poetry #haiku
#JukeboxFridayNight #ScreenOrStage
David Bowie - 'As the World Falls Down'
From the 1986 musical fantasy film 'Labyrinth', written by Monty Python's Terry Jones and starring David Bowie as the king of the goblins. Bowie also wrote the film's OST.
Lookit these great photos from @notacceptablelive !
2.8.25 @frankiej29
»55 urodziny Warwicka Davisa«
3 lutego 1970 roku przyszedł na świat Warwick Davis – angielski aktor, komik i prezenter telewizyjny.
Finally found some time to restock some of the gold prints, and so much easier to print them together as gold ink clean up is a chore!! A little Yōkai, gargoyle, Minotaur and doorknocker going on here. #minotaur #doorknocker #labyrinth #myth #gargoyle #yokai #folklore #print #linocut #gold
Can’t have a Muppets Dance Party without some music from Goblin King David Bowie (https://youtu.be/Zbp5UuCz2kk?si=P7P4l9KPkWJLZmpq)
#RetroView #DavidBowie #labÿrinth