Tevye the Dairyman & Motl the Cantor's Son 
As a big fan of Fiddler on the Roof, I decided I should read the original Tevye stories. First published in 1894, Tevye 'tells' Aleichem the tales of his family, focusing on six of his seven daughters, Tzeitel, Chava, Hodel, Shprintze, Taybele, and Bielke. I was surprised by how different these tales proved to be from musical.
But the highlight here is the delightful adventures of the 'orphan' Motl in Aleichem's unfinished novel Motl and the Cantor's Son. These tales take us on the journey from poverty in the Shtetl, across Europe to the promise land of America. Motls' take on life is endearing and funny. I am amazed that these stories have never made it to film!