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A small, intentional community for poets, authors, and every kind of writer.

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"How can we foster emotional resilience in the face of ecological overshoot and the death of modernity? What role do art and storytelling play alongside science and data in responding to our collective human predicament? And how can we strengthen our communities and plant the seeds for a different way of life, starting in our own small corners of the world?"

Podcast: resilience.org/stories/2025-02

Cookie cutter developments lack character and are an inefficient use of land.

Link: strongtowns.org/journal/2025/2

"By thinking beyond immediate needs and designing with adaptability in mind, we can build communities that are not just functional today but that continue to evolve and thrive for generations to come. The key lies in recognizing the value of every nook and cranny and ensuring that no space is wasted."

TOMORROW - you don't want to miss this!

Join Master 'Eco' Gardener, Sean James, to learn about the ins and outs of creating a beautiful garden that fosters a wide variety of majestic species.

Conversations for Conservation is a monthly speaker series that begins tomorrow. Register today and check out more events at raresites.org/events

There is a simple way to make #sustainability and #nature conservation part of the #economy.
If the price of each product included an additional #EcologicalValueAdded, #ecological projects would be part of the business. This additional component of the price would be the amount that the manufacturer would have spent on a socially desirable ecological purpose.
It would consist of the Ecological „VAT“ of its suppliers and the one that it would have set for itself in addition to this.

🧑🏾‍💻 Web Design Volunteer Wanted! 🌿

The International Degrowth Network is looking for a passionate front-end developer to help us enhance the design and UI of degrowth.net!

If you believe in building a just future and have experience in web design, we'd love to have you on board. This is a great opportunity to contribute your skills to a meaningful cause.

📩 Interested? Reach out to explore@degrowth.net!

Basal Ingredients Of Society • Prologue

I settled on the acronym BIOS to suggest the vital elements of life in society, a life in association with others, and not just any association but one whose flickers of life are sustained for more than a few vicissitudes of history. Sustainability in that life requires democracy, a society based on a distinctive form of social compact.

#AdaptiveSystems #Cybernetics #Democracy #Governance
#Inquiry #InquiryDrivenSystems #LearningOrganizations
#Reciprocity #Rousseau #SocialCompact #Sustainability

Inquiry Into Inquiry · Basal Ingredients Of Society • Prologue
More from Inquiry Into Inquiry

We would like to congratulate Dr Juan-Jordá who's been awarded this year's #FSBIMedal! 🏅 @mjjuanjorda is a Senior Researcher at at the Spanish Institute of #Oceanography (IEO-CSIC) and her research aims to identify and address the key drivers affecting #fisheries #sustainability. This work directly supports scientific, advisory, and management organizations at European and international levels!
#SustainableFisheriesManagement #MarineEcology #Sharks #Tuna #Billfishes

#workthatreconnects #joannamacy #sustainability #EmergentStrategies I offered a Work that Reconnects class yesterday for 15 people called Honoring our Pain for the World. We started in gratitude and then had space for speaking our pain: personal, national, global & ecological. People provided compassionate witnessing. It was powerful to put words to the grief, build community and realize we are not alone. We have to work together to make change, especially now.

My new video is out now:
"Do No Harm" - DnD for Nice People | Mappa Mundi TTRPG Review


This is going to be a strong contender for my roleplaying game of the year. Running this combat-free system was a very different vibe from so many other games I've played.

Something I love is the #vegan and #sustainability vibes. It fits my politics and outlook on life perfectly!

If you need any more persuasion, I also do a damn fine Skeletor impression near the end.