The She's My Cherry Pie from Vegan Pie in the Sky cookbook by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero
Lemony Orzo with Asparagus and Garlic Bread Crumbs. #Vegan, 20 minutes and so good! Recipe by Ali Slagle in the NY Times.
Happy Cesar Chavez Day.
Observed on March 31 every year, especially in #California.
Also a U.S. federal commemorative holiday, proclaimed by President Obama in 2014. The holiday celebrates the birth and legacy of the #CivilRights and #Labor movement activist. #CesarChavez #Peace #Vegan #SíSePuede
Are any sterile vegan men here open to a 34f partner? Asking for someone in my community.
You can reply to them on Reddit ->
These Vegan Quiche Muffins are perfect for meal prep!
Packed with protein, sun-dried tomatoes, and spinach in every bite! They’re freezer-friendly, easy to make, and great for breakfast, brunch, or snacking on the go
First harvest of the year! Some miner's lettuce from my balcony garden, garlic and some stinging nettles I gathered from my vegetable patch make for a fantastic soup. I added some onion and potatoes ;)
What are you growing and harvesting right now?
#gardening #foraging #vegan #Wildpflanzen #cooking #nodigGardening #springtime #soup
No, non stavo compiendo un delitto alla #Dexter, stavo solo cogliendo fiori di borragine da cucinare fritti pastellati
Das was uim deutschsprachigen Raum ungarisches Gulasch genannt wird.
Mit Gulasch von der veganen Fleischerei in München und einem Gulaschgewürz aus dem Burgenland.
Neues #rezept auf unserem Blog: Katrin hat sich vom aktuellen Foodtrend inspirieren lassen und vegane Pasta mit karamellisierten Zwiebeln im #graingreenbean Style auf den Teller gezaubert Dank knackigem Brokkoli und proteinreichen Kichererbsen auch nährstoffmäßig eine runde Sache
ma newest ceramics
handmade with love & joined by my loves miko & seba mou
andie werk-zeug.
andie brassat, vorstadt 10, 2. og, ch-schaffhausen
. mastodon (de) andie brassat
. pixelfed (think canada) anlu777
. threema (ch) andie brassat
#andie #art #craft #handmade #recycled #animalrescueing #vegan #sanishunde #ceramics #tonic
#scooby75 #uniques #faccanischuhe #qunst #gewürznote #clay #pottery#bogenkaffee #kaffee
ma ceramic garden is growing..
handmade with love & joined by my loves miko & seba mou
andie werk-zeug.
andie brassat, vorstadt 10, 2. og, ch-schaffhausen
. mastodon (de) andie brassat
. pixelfed (think canada) anlu777
. threema (ch) andie brassat
#andie #art #craft #handmade #recycled #animalrescueing #vegan #sanishunde #ceramics #tonic
#scooby75 #uniques #faccanischuhe #qunst #gewürznote #clay #pottery#bogenkaffee #kaffee