"I do not see #AI as being the basis for growth, opportunity, sunny uplands, balanced budgets or #Labour victories."
#UKPolitics #Ecosystem #Education #Regulations #PublicFunding #Infrastructure
Twenty of Australia’s wealthiest private schools received a staggering $130m in public funding in 2023. Meanwhile, negotiations between the education minister and states on the Schooling Resource Standard remain deadlocked. #education #australia #publicfunding #privateschools #schoolfunding #equityineducation #educationpolicy
"MPI's Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures Fund ... in 2022 they gave Puro $13,000,000 to develop a grow book, and some industry standards."
#ChrisFowlie, 2024
Just to put that in context, that's enough to pay 20 people to work fulltime for 3 years, at $100 an hour. This is the kind of public money sloshing around. Seems like you just need to be in the right place at the right time, or maybe know the right people ...
'That's #Oligarchy,' Says #senatorSanders as #Billionaires Pump Cash Into #TrumpCampaign
"We must overturn the disastrous #CitizensUnited #SupremeCourt decision and move to #publicfunding of #elections," said Sen. #BernieSanders.
Private School funding by public purse
The Australian Education Union (Aeu) report, released today, comes on the same day commonwealth, state and territory leaders gather for national cabinet. On the agenda are stalled negotiations on public school funding, with states including Victoria and New South Wales lobbying the commonwealth to lift its overall contribution to 25%, representing a 5% jump.
The report shows more more than half of Australian private schools are receiving more combined government funding per student than public schools of a similar size, location, and with similar student needs. In 2022, some 56% of private schools received more funding than their counterparts, compared with just 45% in 2013.
The proposed school, St. Isidore of Seville #Catholic Virtual School, was pitched as an online #CatholicSchool for students in rural areas & throughout the state of #Oklahoma, w/ #religious instruction woven throughout the #curriculum.
But instead of operating as a #PrivateSchool w/ #families paying tuition, St.Isidore applied for status as a #CharterSchool, a type of #PublicSchool that is financed by #taxpayer dollars, but run independently.
#Oklahoma Supreme Court Says No to State #Funding for a #Religious Charter #School
In a closely watched case, Oklahoma’s highest court blocked what was set to become the nation’s first religious charter school. An #appeal is likely.
#law #ChurchAndState #ChristianEvangelism #NewApostolicReformation #RightWing #SCOTUS #religion #taxpayer #ReligiousSchools #conservative #PublicFunding #education
#Louisiana may become the first US state to require the #TenCommandments in schools receiving #PublicFunding, if Gov. #JeffLandry signs the bill into law
The law is to be challenged, as #Civilrights groups already issued #statements opposing the #legislation
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Education #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #Religion #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Homophobia #Transphobia #ThePartyOfHate #EmptyThePews
There is no reason to spend a single dime of public money on a Bears stadium. They can afford to build the entire thing themselves. #bears #publicfunding #football #chicago
Have you ever heard about #cascadefunding?
It is a @EU_Commission mechanism to distribute #publicfunding to assist beneficiaries in the uptake or development of #digitalinnovation.
At #NGISargasso we distribute equity-free cascade funding through our #opencalls in 3 Capacity-Building programs:
9-month program
Up to €100K
6-month program
3-month program
Read this article to discover how to get it to develop your #futureInternet idea: https://ow.ly/2TO750QpQmR
"The study illuminated an alarming chasm in public funding allocation, indicating that #EU #livestock farmers were granted a staggering 1,200 times more financial support compared to their #PlantBased and cultivated meat counterparts. Similarly, in the #US, animal farmers received an astonishing 800 times more #PublicFunding. This disparity underscores the deeply entrenched bias that favors conventional livestock practices over sustainable alternatives. "
We can’t afford #PrivatizedHealthCare https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/the-answer-is-clear-we-can-t-afford-privatized-health-care/article_0d69bd31-37d1-5919-ba45-2035de96dbdd.html https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/the-answer-is-clear-we-can-t-afford-privatized-health-care/article_0d69bd31-37d1-5919-ba45-2035de96dbdd.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=user-share “But when we look deeper, we see that we spend less on our #PublicHealth system — and more #OutOfPocket and #privately than most of our peers. As a share of all health spending, #Canada allocates 75 per cent as public investment.
Canada is a standout Scrooge. The Netherlands, Germany, Sweden and France all spend 85 per cent or more via #PublicFunding.” Via @picardonhealth
'‘Gigantic’ power of #meat industry blocking green alternatives, study finds
Analysis of #EU and #US shows #livestock #farmers receive about 1,000 times more #PublicFunding than #PlantBased and #CultivatedMeat