APOD from 2014-08-21
Venus and Jupiter appeared very close in Monday's dawn, their nearest since 2000. This photo from Elba, Italy, shows them above the Tuscan coast. Venus moved towards the sunrise, while Jupiter rose higher. They'll meet again on June 30th at dusk.
HD image at https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap140821.html
It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / Thorsday!
"Above the theater [Corinth] is a sanctuary of #Zeus surnamed in the Latin tongue Kapetolion [Capitolinus, Of the Capitol], which might be rendered into Greek Koryphaios (Of the Head)."
Pausanias, Description of Greece 2.4.5
#Jupiter's head crowned with laurel and ivy, sardonyx cameo, Musée du Louvre
3D map of #exoplanet #atmosphere shows wacky climate
#Astronomers have mapped the 3D structure of the layered atmosphere of one such ultra-hot #Jupiter-size exoplanet, revealing powerful winds that create intricate #weather patterns across that atmosphere.
"This planet’s atmosphere behaves in ways that challenge our understanding of how weather works."
#Astronomy and #Astrophysics reported on unexpected identification of #titanium in the exoplanet's atmosphere as well.
#Jupiter, hier leider ohne den berühmten Großen Roten Fleck.
Jupiter captured here without the famous Great Red Spot.
APOD from 2009-02-26
#Moon, #Mercury, #Jupiter, #Mars
Predawn skies on Feb 23 revealed a crescent Moon with earthshine, joined by Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars in a remarkable conjunction. Captured over Tuggerah Lake, Australia, the photo shows the planets aligned above the glowing horizon.
HD image at https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap090226.html
#Antinous as a priest of #Attis wears diadem with plaques of Attis & #Jupiter. At the #Equinox, #Attis dies #cismale, and is reborn reborn #transgender. #AntoniusSubia says: "Attis severed his own testicles and died, but did not die." Full report here: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2025/03/antinous-attis-dies-and-is-reborn.html
Did you miss the excellent talk from Sarah Elizabeth McCandless? The free Westport Astronomical Society Lecture series is available on our YouTube channel to watch again or for the first time. Give us a follow and a thumbs up if you like these talks. https://youtube.com/live/0WiP0MYc2n4
(Art by #AntoniusSubia) ... As the Sun enters #Aries at the March #Equinox, we honor #Antinous in his special guise as #Antinoos #Mars. Mars, God of War, son of #Jupiter and #Juno, father of #Romulus and #Remus, founders of Rome, was the divine spirit of the Roman Army. His power ran like molten steel in the blood of Romans who he made them invincible. Mars energy flows through all LGBTQIA+ people and empowers us to stand up to fight for justice and equality. More: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2025/03/we-honor-antinousmars.html
**TONIGHT at 8:00 PM - WAS Hosts Sarah Elizabeth McCandless: Exploring an Icy World with Europa Clipper – Mar 18, 2025** https://ow.ly/SeCL50VjO6v
One of the most enigmatic moons of the solar system is about to get a visitor to uncover the secrets of this icy/watery world. This is ONLINE ONLY and the classroom will be closed.
Astronomie geht auch am Nachmittag. Nicht nur die Sonne, auch alle inneren Planeten + Jupiter sind problemlos (mit einem 7" Teleskop) am Himmel zu sehen.
Alle Bilder gestern (16.3. zwischen 13h und 16h MEZ)
Daytime Astronomy. Not only the Sun, but also all other bright Planets are easily (within reason and through a 7" telescope) visible in broad daylight.
All images from yesterday, 16.03. between 13h and 16h local time)
APOD from 2018-11-21
Swirls and Colors on #Jupiter from Juno
Jupiter's cloud colors remain a mystery, possibly due to trace elements like ammonium hydrosulfide. Lighter clouds are higher than darker ones in this color-enhanced image from Juno's 14th flyby. Juno orbits Jupiter every 53 days, studying different sectors.
HD image at https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap181121.html
It's the Day of Zeus / Jupiter's Day / Thorsday!
"The surname Homagyrios (the Assembler) was given to #Zeus because in this place Agamemnon assembled the most eminent men in Greece, in order that they might consult together how to make war on the empire of Priamos [of Troy]."
Pausanias, Description of Greece 7.24.2
#Jupiter, Roman bronze figure from Paramythia, 100-199 CE
Took this Image in February as the Planet was standing very good for observation in my observatory. I love this Planet the most
war auch bei der zweiten Auswahlrunde für die #AIFactories in Europa erfolgreich!
Am @fzj wird die „JUPITER AI Factory“ um den ersten #Exascale-#Supercomputer #JUPITER entstehen. #KMU und #Startups können ihn damit nutzen und z.B. große KI-Modelle entwickeln.
#EuropHPC #GCS #RWTHAachen #Lamarr @fraunhofergesellschaft #WestAI #hessian.AISC
Last evening's #Jupiter system with three nearby moons. 1500 x 20 ms unfiltered mono in Celestron 8" + 2.5x powermate.
First time I've taken my telescope out this year.
#astrophotography #jupiter
APOD from 2025-03-09
Cyclones at #Jupiter's North Pole
NASA's Juno mission captured #infrared data of Jupiter's north pole, revealing eight cyclones around a central one. Unlike #Saturn, which has a single cyclone at each pole, Jupiter displays complex polar weather patterns with larger cyclones at the south pole.
HD image at https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap250309.html#space #astronomy #planet
Cyclones at Jupiter's North Pole
* Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, SwRI, ASI, INAF, JIRAM
Why are there so many cyclones around the north pole of Jupiter? The topic is still being researched. NASA's robotic Juno mission orbiting Jupiter took data in 2018 that was used to construct this stunning view of the curious cyclones at Jupiter's north pole. Measuring the thermal emission from Jovian cloud tops, the infrared observations are not restricted to the hemisphere illuminated by sunlight. They reveal eight cyclonic features that surround a cyclone about 4,000 kilometers in diameter, just offset from the giant planet's geographic north pole. Similar data show a cyclone at the Jovian south pole with five circumpolar cyclones. The south pole cyclones are slightly larger than their northern cousins. Oddly, data from the once Saturn-orbiting Cassini mission has shown that Saturn's north and south poles each have only a single cyclonic storm system.