@paul_denton Une petite piqûre de rappel pour RFK Jr et les gens en général :
@paul_denton Une petite piqûre de rappel pour RFK Jr et les gens en général :
“'What is the cure for measles?' [RFKJr.] told an audience in 2021 at an Amish country fair in Pennsylvania. 'Chicken soup and vitamin A.'"
~ Darius Tahir
#Trump #RFKJr #vaccines #vaccination #healthcare #measles #science #medicine #disinformation #nonsense #ChickenSoup #VitaminA
Every dark cloud has a silver lining, after all. Look on the sunny side of life.
And none of these hazards compare with the gruesome damage any vaccination does.
People in the pre-modern world practicing "primitive" medicine had better instincts about all of this than we science-addled folks today have, right?
#Trump #RFKJr #vaccines #vaccination #healthcare #measles #science #medicine #disinformation #nonsense
Besides, getting measles isn't the worst thing that can happen to a child. Only 1 to 3 in 1,000 die of measles. And those who die must not have been meant to live; they lacked natural strength and were not fed and exercised properly.
For children who survive measles, the worst that can happen is that they go blind — but at least, they'll have their lives, even if they can no longer see.
#Trump #RFKJr #vaccines #vaccination #healthcare #measles #science #medicine #disinformation #nonsense
Wearing asafoedita in a bag around the neck keeps measles at bay. It's a sure preventative.
If you think you need extra protection, sip some water from a holy well while walking widdershins around it and reciting the Lord's prayer backwards.
#Trump #RFKJr #vaccines #vaccination #healthcare #measles #science #medicine #disinformation #nonsense
Photo of child with day-four measles rash is by CDC/NIP/Barbara Rice, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Measles#/media/File:RougeoleDP.jpg
@MadeyeTheCarnaptious His abolition of the NHS oversight body today, and putting it in the direct control of a government minister is truly vile. Totally lock-step with the worst decisions being implemented in the USA right now. The views [and sponsors] of an elected minister will have a direct bearing on what services are available to the public. #ProChoice #TERF #Homophobia #Vaccination
At least this time #Bezos bucked a #government official, #rfkjr, & promoted #measles #vaccination.
Or maybe he wasn't looking.
Either way this is serious & we all need to be vigilant since the #usgovernment is not.
#getvaccinated for you, for someone you love or maybe just someone you've never met.
Dear #MAGA folk asking #wwjd. He'd get vaccinated & #isolate if exposed to protect "the least of these". You should too. What? Jesus wouldn't get sick causes he's God? You're not God.
apparently i got the last dose of measles vax in my town after watching a pharmacist frown at the computer & say "we should have 1 dose left" & then root thru some boxes...
she also had the Moderna covid booster
With the 2nd measles death of the year, and all the misinformation coming from America’s fake health and science boss RFK Jr., as well as the continued proliferation of anti-vaccine lies and hysteria, how about a close hard look at the facts:
1. CLAIM: RFK Jr. said that measles outbreaks are not unusual in the U.S.
FACT: The MMR vaccine is so effective that measles had been eradicated in the U.S. by the early 2000s. So, NO, measles outbreaks were NOT usual. In fact, they were nonexistent, at least until recently, when vaccine hesitancy started to grow due to the lies and disinformation coming from people like RFK Jr.
2. CLAIM: Measles is not serious.
FACT: In the U.S., the mortality rate for measles is around 0.1-0.3%. (https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(25)00164-1/fulltext). A gambler might consider this to be low odds of dying from the disease. However, just a few years ago, one’s chance of dying from the disease was ZERO because the disease didn’t exist in the U.S. The two people who died of measles over the past few weeks would not have died if vaccination rates were still at 95% or higher.
3. CLAIM: Measles is not serious.
4. FACT: In lower income countries, the mortality rate for measles is around 3-4%, which is quite high. This is due primarily to the effects of malnutrition, which weakens the immune system. Trump’s slashing of USAID funding will likely result in an increase in measles deaths in countries that once relied on USAID to support their vaccination programs.
5. CLAIM: Measles is not serious.
6. FACT: 20% of unvaccinated people who catch measles in the U.S. will become hospitalized due to complications; 5% of children who get measles will develop pneumonia from the disease; 0.1% of children who get measles will develop encephalitis; and unvaccinated pregnant women who catch the disease have an elevated risk of having premature births or babies with low birth weight. (https://www.cdc.gov/measles/signs-symptoms/index.html). Measles also impairs one’s immune system, making them more susceptible to other infections, and it can cause brain swelling, seizures, blindness, deafness, and brain damage.
7. CLAIM: Measles is not serious.
8. FACT: 7-10 years AFTER a measles infection, survivors still run the risk of developing Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) a rare, but fatal disease of the central nervous system. From 1989-1991, they estimate that 7 to 11 out of every 100,000 people with measles were at risk for developing SSPE. That risk is higher for those who contract measles before the age of 2. (https://www.cdc.gov/measles/signs-symptoms/index.html) And, of course, that risk is 0 for communities with a 95% or higher vaccination rate.
9. CLAIM: MMR vaccine is more dangerous than measles. OR it causes febrile seizures in kids.
FACT: Febrile seizures are extremely rare with vaccines, including MMR. 0.03-0.04% of kids who get the MMR vaccine will get febrile seizures, and most will recover fine. But the risk of febrile seizures is much higher if you actually get measles. (https://www.cdc.gov/vaccine-safety/vaccines/mmr.html). Therefore, the vaccine is actually protective against this symptom.
10. CLAIM: The measles vaccine is not very effective
FACT: It is 97% effective, one of the highest rates for any vaccine out there. What this means, in actuality, is that 97% of those who receive the vaccine will develop lifelong immunity, and will have almost no risk of ever catching measles, spreading it to others, or dying from it. The 3% for whom it does not provide full lifetime immunity are still protected from ever catching the disease, assuming the community vaccination rate is at 95% or higher.
11. CLAIM: So, what if I’m not vaccinated? The disease is rare. I’m not going to catch it.
12. FACT: Measles is the most infectious disease known. 90% of unvaccinated people who are exposed will get measles. (https://www.nfid.org/resource/frequently-asked-questions-about-measles/) I guess if you always wore a properly fitted N95 in public you might be safe-ish. But how many anti-vaxxers out there actually wear masks?
"...Pharmacies at H-E-B, the grocery chain, in Austin are now limiting MMR vaccines to those most at risk, including people born before 1989 who may have only received one dose...."
(Hey, that was me until yesterday! Whoohoo, ahead of the curve!)
It's going to be a real problem when #measles shows up in #Idaho given their abysmal #vaccination rates.
The #CDC’s move comes amid one of the largest #measles outbreaks the US has seen in the past decade, with >150 cases & 2 deaths in #Texas & #NewMexico. The outbreak has been fueled by declining #vaccination rates in parts of the #UnitedStates where parents have been falsely persuaded that such shots do more harm than good.
Since most people seem to relate more to individual cases than to anonymous numbers, here the experience of Roald Dahl, who lost hist daughter to #measles:
"“Are you feeling all right?” I asked her.
“I feel all sleepy,” she said.
In an hour, she was unconscious. In twelve hours she was dead."
#vaccines #vaccination #vaccine
#Chikungunya : une campagne de #vaccination lancée à La #Réunion pour les habitants les plus à risque de développer une forme grave https://www.francetvinfo.fr/sante/maladie/chikungunya/chikungunya-une-campagne-de-vaccination-lancee-a-la-reunion-pour-les-habitants-les-plus-a-risque-de-developper-une-forme-grave_7111266.html#xtor=RSS-3-[lestitres]
Plus de 3 200 cas de chikungunya ont été recensés depuis le début de l'année à la Réunion. Pour l'heure, aucun décès n'a été recensé.
Measles in Miami.
Could not have happened to a group of nicer people. #miamidadecounty #Palmetto Senior Highschool.
Nothing like salt water on the skin of measles patients.
"Medical freedom" should be changed to "stupidity"
AP: Mennonites, West Texans at center of measles outbreak choose medical freedom over vaccine mandates
Santé L’épidémie de rougeole se poursuit au Québec avec maintenant 30 cas confirmés
#Montréal #Laval #Laurentides #Québec #Canada #santé #enfants #rougeole #épidémie #vaccination
Will the youngest Californians be protected from the next disease outbreak?
Over 30,000 California kindergarteners had not received all required immunizations in 2022—only 1,511 with permanent exemptions due to their physical condition or medical circumstances.
For more details, read our blog: https://www.kidsdata.org/blog/?p=11225
Healthy Living 101: get vaccinated and stay the fuck away from putins conservatives, especially your children.